Video is a very powerful tool that scales quickly thanks to digital, mobile and social technologies. Greek Diplomatic Life magazine is very proud of its reputation and as such only work with top quality camera crews that can capture your vision and effectively communicate it to your audience.
We ensure that our colleagues are:
1) Easy to work with/flexible
2) Technically skilled in their trade
3) Creative
4) Pay attention to detail
5) Employ the latest equipment and technology.
Producing a professional video is an orchestrated event that requires all parties to work together. A good camera crew will carry out instructions accurately and with precision. This level of coordination between you and the camera crew will multiply your productivity and benefit your communication objective. Getting “what you need” or “more than you need” in the field will streamline your editing process and provide additional content for the future.
For more information, pricing, etc., please contact us:
Greek Diplomatic Life
2-4 Zoodohou Pigis Street,
Athens, 106 79, Greece
Tel: 210-380-6534 – Fax: 210-381-8983
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